Faith by Hearing the Word of God

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
-Romans 10:17

Oh how I cherished the day when I found the salvation of God. It is something that I will never exchange even if my life will be put at stake. For what is life in the world but just a vapor (James 4:14), but the salvation freely given is a treasure for eternity. A gift of God I found by his grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and through it shall I live my life.

The faithless said to his heart, am I really saved? Don't be blinded by your own beliefs, oh man, for God has never forsaken any of his promises. When he said yea, it is yea! If nay, then it is nay (Matthew 5:37)!

The unbelieving said to his heart, where is the promise of the Lord's coming? Don't trust your own understanding, oh man, for God is not slack concerning his promise (2 Peter 3:4). But before it, all that is written about his coming be fulfilled first.

Why have you gone to the wide and broad path of destruction, oh man?! You have forsaken the word of God and defiled yourself with the world. Therefore, your desires quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) within you who comforts and teaches you.

Why have you covered yourself with iniquities oh man? You have despised the commandments and precepts of the Almighty with your abominations. Thus, your faith is slowly fading away while you're walking through the paths of torment.

For centuries, your Word is forsaken, oh Father, by those who claimed to be faithful yet denied the Scripture. They have put it under "Index of Forbidden books" and those who possessed them were mercilessly burned at stake during the Inquisition. Nevertheless, oh God, you preserved your words as promised: "heaven and earth shall passed away but my words shall not passed away (Mark 13:31)." Thus, the true worshiper who worshiped you in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24) and not by idolatry, separate themselves to those who bowed down to the graven images (Micah 5:13). We have been long blinded by those wolves in the sheep's clothing. Who put a stumbling block to your people by relying on traditions of the heathen and commandments (dogmas) of men (Mark 7:6-9,13). Therefore, the faithful have diligently translated the Scripture to their common languages that your words will once again be known throughout the world. Since then, the genuine believers has been sanctified by the truth, oh Father, for your word is truth (John 17:17).

When will you value the Bible, oh you backsliders?! Read and listen to his words, for a man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4). How can you believe then if you have not heard the good news of salvation?

When will you listen to his voice, oh you doubters?! Keep your faith to God continually burning, for without faith it is impossible to please him (Hebrews 11:6). How can you say then that the Lord is my all in all if your faith wavered?

Oh Father, your words became the sole authority of our faith. Truly, they are your own voice that echoes to our hearts and minds. They are like two-edged swords that rebuke and condemn us whenever we fall short to your commandments. It pierced through our souls and torn it asunder . A whip that scourges whenever the Holy Spirit convicts us for our short comings. Thus, our faith grow stronger and stronger everyday as we lived our life walking in the precepts of your Word.
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