Curse of Drunkenness

Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
-Proverbs 20:1

How long, oh God, shall lawlessness continue? Where drunkenness is, there follows iniquity. For the people were enslaved by their liquor, oh Lord! The once peaceful streets became the field of violence. Their is confusion, hatred, self-pity, fornication, adultery, lewdness, self-indulgence, gluttony and greed in the midst of nightlong revelry. In darkness, everyone has turned to his own master (for they became servants of immorality).

Shame on people of insatiable appetite! Don't you know that a man driven by an evil spirit is unstable and irrational over his own judgment? Not knowing the right from wrong, he often ended up causing pain and shame. So is you, oh man, who is given to drunkenness!

Shame on people with unquenchable thirst! Don't you know that a man possessed by an evil spirit is troublesome on people around him? Unable to discern the fruit of his actions, he caused the people around him with grievous fear. So is is you, oh drunkard, in all your ways.

Haven't you noticed the overlooked truth, oh man of revelry? A drunkard and a demon-possessed were both slaves of what have entered on their bodies. Therefore, a drunkard is nothing but the same as a man enslaved by the spirit of Beelzebub!

How can a wise man becomes a fool? Give him a strong drink to quench his thirst. How can a noble becomes a barbarian? Let him be drowned on his own wine. Indulging himself to drunkenness, unwittingly, he'll exposed his hidden savagery. For what a man sows in his folly shall he reap in shame.

When will you make your stand, oh Christians?! Why do you keep coming back in a pool of waste? Thus, a dog did turned on his own vomit (2 Peter 2:22). How long can you bear the madness of wine? Know this, oh man, that a little wine is good for your body (1 Timothy 5:23), but beyond sobriety comes evil. Enough wine is enough. However, if you can't resist the luring taste of wine then it is better to have none at all. For what good does having little wine if you can't help but to crave for more? Oh, how sweet the victory of those who have the will power to say "no" over their own desires!

Let not your people be shackled in the chains of drunkenness,oh loving Father! Break the vices that became a barrier to the path of righteousness. Draw us nearer to you Lord, that we may see the light of hope. In your glorious name, oh precious Jesus, and by the power of your blood which was shed on the cross, we break this despicable curse of drunkenness in our life! So that we may escape the scourge in the wine press of your wrath. For we are patiently looking forward on the day when we replenish our soul in the water of life in your Paradise.
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