He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
-Ezekiel 33:5
Oh, how terrible the things that are unfolding before our very own eyes, oh God! What was prophesied by the Son of God and the prophets were happening around the world. We can hear the voice of afflictions and sufferings, surely Lord this is the last days!
Woe unto you, oh man, who walked in the rudiments of the world! You have occupied yourself with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Thriving to get a seat among the powerful, the rich and the famous, your desires stole your heart away from God. When will you listen, oh vainglorious man? Can't you hear the sound of warning?
Woe unto you , oh man, who spent his time for nothing! For you have busied yourself for your own ungodly works. You labor early and ends up late at night, but you have forgotten to be watchful of the things that will shortly come to pass. When will you see, oh wretched one? Haven't you seen the signs of his coming?
There were wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6). There were famine, plagues and earthquakes in diverse places (Luke 21:11), but still people refused to hear the trumpet call of God's wrath. Oh you stubborn! the Lord is standing at the door knocking to you (Revelation 3:20), but you never gave attention to his voice. Oh you scoffer! Behold, the Lord is nigh even closer than you can think of, but you said in your heart, "where is the promise of his coming (2 Peter 3:3-4)?" Therefore, the Lord shall smite you and cast you into damnation for your disbelief.
Prepare yourself, oh faithful watchman! Don't let your ear be covered from the confusing and captivating noise of the world. Open your heart to the inevitable tribulations that shall deliver countless lives to perdition. Thus, let the Holy Spirit be your Comforter and Guide that he may lead you to the path of deliverance on these tumultuous days.
Armed yourself, oh watchful Christian! Let not your eyes fall to slumber from the mesmerizing delusions that the world can offer. Open your mind to the possible things to come, as they were written in the Scriptures so shall they be. Thus, Let the Bible be your companion and mentor that you may discern the signs and wonders of that great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).
Oh Father, we have read the signs but our hearts were still captivated by our own lust. We already experienced the horrible catastrophes, genocides, pointless wars, spreading of severe diseases, economic meltdown and increase of lawlessness--its getting worst day by day. Oh Lord,empower us with great zeal in our hearts that we may be watchful. Let the godly desire of loving you continually keep burning that we may not be lukewarm (Revelation 3:15-16). We know that our Savior and King, Jesus Christ shall soon reign on his kingdom. Therefore, keep us tightly together that your saints shall stand firm while waiting on that wondrous day when we will proclaim and shout, "Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest (Matthew 21:9)!
Historical Jesus
And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
-1 John 4:3
As it was written before and so it was until this day, oh Lord Jesus! Your name was profaned continually over thousands of years and they will never stop. They were ordained to suffer the condemnation eternally for their abomination. How great is the name of our Lord and Savior, for it stand unshaken and will never be removed in the hearts of those who believed on him!
Woe unto you blasphemers! You have spread your lies to all nations, but lo, there is none who believed in you. How can then Jesus Christ never existed if the Word of God became its living witness? Or would we believed the malicious reports of men than the testament of God's love?
Woe unto you brood of vipers! You have gathered together against the Anointed One and tried to defame his name. How then the existence of the Messiah was never been proven by any strong evidence? Haven't you read the gospel of truth or the countless testimonies of early historians, church fathers and theologians?
Is it acceptable to say that someone never existed because of lack of concrete evidence? Oh you league of fools! Time will come and you shall join your forefathers as dust on the earth and your memory shall be forgotten by the living. However, your death nor the lack of evidence of your existence cannot disapproved the underlying truth, that once upon a time you did walked in the face of the earth. How can you say then, that Jesus Christ is just a vivid picture of one's imagination?
Is it a right thing to say that countless information written in scrolls, papyrus , hieroglyphs and cunieforms cannot be a solid proof of one man's existence? Oh you deceivers of men! Innumerable archaeological and historical evidence were uncovered that testified about Jesus of Nazareth yet you insist to blight out the truth. If it were so then, omitting the name of Jesus in history is necessary. But will it not result on taking out the names of renowned kings, presidents, religious leaders, philosophers, inventors, artists, navigators and others who were only known and supported by written documents and artifacts? Therefore, it will result to the exclusion of almost all famous names in the pages of history.
You are cursed, oh you men, who lurked in the midst of believers! Indeed, you were wolves in the sheep's clothing. Professing to be genuine Christians, yet fully denying the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are cursed, oh you ungodly, who crept unawares in the assembly of saints! Who were ordained before time to condemnation (Jude 4). You want to set your name on the stars above, creating controversy by disproving the existence of a man whom the nations of the world cherished and exalted.
Will you never learn, oh you anti-Christs!? No matter how hard you try, still you shall fall! Therefore, you shall meet the same fate like your master Lucifer before you (Isaiah 14:12-15)! For there is none who can prevail against the name of the Son of God. There is no one, not even your father the Devil (John 8:44)!
Whenever the minions of darkness blasphemed your name, oh Lord, my spirit is vexed! For the Holy Spirit itself bear witness to the truth. These workers of iniquities has defiled your power and glory thus many poor souls were driven by their heresies. Oh Father! Let not your church be shaken by their deceitful words or else the very elect shall be blinded from the truth. Hold us deeply rooted in your Words that we may build our faith in a solid Rock, who is our Redeemer Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4).
-1 John 4:3
As it was written before and so it was until this day, oh Lord Jesus! Your name was profaned continually over thousands of years and they will never stop. They were ordained to suffer the condemnation eternally for their abomination. How great is the name of our Lord and Savior, for it stand unshaken and will never be removed in the hearts of those who believed on him!
Woe unto you blasphemers! You have spread your lies to all nations, but lo, there is none who believed in you. How can then Jesus Christ never existed if the Word of God became its living witness? Or would we believed the malicious reports of men than the testament of God's love?
Woe unto you brood of vipers! You have gathered together against the Anointed One and tried to defame his name. How then the existence of the Messiah was never been proven by any strong evidence? Haven't you read the gospel of truth or the countless testimonies of early historians, church fathers and theologians?
Is it acceptable to say that someone never existed because of lack of concrete evidence? Oh you league of fools! Time will come and you shall join your forefathers as dust on the earth and your memory shall be forgotten by the living. However, your death nor the lack of evidence of your existence cannot disapproved the underlying truth, that once upon a time you did walked in the face of the earth. How can you say then, that Jesus Christ is just a vivid picture of one's imagination?
Is it a right thing to say that countless information written in scrolls, papyrus , hieroglyphs and cunieforms cannot be a solid proof of one man's existence? Oh you deceivers of men! Innumerable archaeological and historical evidence were uncovered that testified about Jesus of Nazareth yet you insist to blight out the truth. If it were so then, omitting the name of Jesus in history is necessary. But will it not result on taking out the names of renowned kings, presidents, religious leaders, philosophers, inventors, artists, navigators and others who were only known and supported by written documents and artifacts? Therefore, it will result to the exclusion of almost all famous names in the pages of history.
You are cursed, oh you men, who lurked in the midst of believers! Indeed, you were wolves in the sheep's clothing. Professing to be genuine Christians, yet fully denying the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are cursed, oh you ungodly, who crept unawares in the assembly of saints! Who were ordained before time to condemnation (Jude 4). You want to set your name on the stars above, creating controversy by disproving the existence of a man whom the nations of the world cherished and exalted.
Will you never learn, oh you anti-Christs!? No matter how hard you try, still you shall fall! Therefore, you shall meet the same fate like your master Lucifer before you (Isaiah 14:12-15)! For there is none who can prevail against the name of the Son of God. There is no one, not even your father the Devil (John 8:44)!
Whenever the minions of darkness blasphemed your name, oh Lord, my spirit is vexed! For the Holy Spirit itself bear witness to the truth. These workers of iniquities has defiled your power and glory thus many poor souls were driven by their heresies. Oh Father! Let not your church be shaken by their deceitful words or else the very elect shall be blinded from the truth. Hold us deeply rooted in your Words that we may build our faith in a solid Rock, who is our Redeemer Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4).
Jesus Christ
Praying for Our Leaders
Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
-Psalms 146:3
Behold, there is a great groaning in the land, oh God. The people were crying for deliverance but no one can deliver them. They were cursed for exhorting their leaders but they never called on your name, oh Lord, in the days of mourning. That is why, they are bound forever restless from their own commotions.
The Lord of lords, in old times stretched forth his hands to you, oh man, but you have been a pessimist! The Lord is true, compassionate and he never change (Malachi 3:6), but in your distress you never called upon his name. Therefore, you have spent wastefully your life wandering for peace.
The King of kings, the Lord of hosts of heaven has offered himself for refuge, oh man, but you have been skeptical! The Lord is merciful, who delighted to those who learned to trust on him. But in tumultuous times you refused to seek his undying love and comfort. Therefore, you have cast your trust on men who can't even save themselves.
Where is your faith, oh naive man!? Neglecting the voice of God, you have been overcome by your impulsive nature. Instead of praying for your leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2), you arrogantly condemned them with diverse accusations. Can peace be achieved in pointing fingers against each other? Certainly not!
Where is your faith, oh gullible man!? By forsaking the admonition of the Lord, you let yourselves beguiled by the slyness of the serpent. You threw away the law of God and not submitting to the rule of authorities (1 Peter 2:13-14). Can peace be achieved by making another commotions? How futile!
Truly, it is a curse to trust a man (Jeremiah 17:5) for both of you shall fall. Is there a master who is able to bear all the burden of his subjects? For there is no man who is invincible. Without a doubt, a man whose heart departed from the Lord is also accursed (Jeremiah 17:5). Is there a ruler who can make perfect decisions and unblemished actions all the time? Certainly, there is no infallible man.
Oh Lord, our leaders have corrupted their thrones and defiled their power. Therefore, teach us to pray for the authorities, that they may be filled with your wisdom and understanding. Give them a heart and mind that discerns good judgment. On the other hand, suffer us not to be overpowered by our own indignation towards them, so that we may not hasten arrogantly in throwing accusations. A wise king may fail and a mighty emperor may stumble, but you oh Father, will forever reign! For we are greatly convinced that a nation without God is a nation without peace!
-Psalms 146:3
Behold, there is a great groaning in the land, oh God. The people were crying for deliverance but no one can deliver them. They were cursed for exhorting their leaders but they never called on your name, oh Lord, in the days of mourning. That is why, they are bound forever restless from their own commotions.
The Lord of lords, in old times stretched forth his hands to you, oh man, but you have been a pessimist! The Lord is true, compassionate and he never change (Malachi 3:6), but in your distress you never called upon his name. Therefore, you have spent wastefully your life wandering for peace.
The King of kings, the Lord of hosts of heaven has offered himself for refuge, oh man, but you have been skeptical! The Lord is merciful, who delighted to those who learned to trust on him. But in tumultuous times you refused to seek his undying love and comfort. Therefore, you have cast your trust on men who can't even save themselves.
Where is your faith, oh naive man!? Neglecting the voice of God, you have been overcome by your impulsive nature. Instead of praying for your leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-2), you arrogantly condemned them with diverse accusations. Can peace be achieved in pointing fingers against each other? Certainly not!
Where is your faith, oh gullible man!? By forsaking the admonition of the Lord, you let yourselves beguiled by the slyness of the serpent. You threw away the law of God and not submitting to the rule of authorities (1 Peter 2:13-14). Can peace be achieved by making another commotions? How futile!
Truly, it is a curse to trust a man (Jeremiah 17:5) for both of you shall fall. Is there a master who is able to bear all the burden of his subjects? For there is no man who is invincible. Without a doubt, a man whose heart departed from the Lord is also accursed (Jeremiah 17:5). Is there a ruler who can make perfect decisions and unblemished actions all the time? Certainly, there is no infallible man.
Oh Lord, our leaders have corrupted their thrones and defiled their power. Therefore, teach us to pray for the authorities, that they may be filled with your wisdom and understanding. Give them a heart and mind that discerns good judgment. On the other hand, suffer us not to be overpowered by our own indignation towards them, so that we may not hasten arrogantly in throwing accusations. A wise king may fail and a mighty emperor may stumble, but you oh Father, will forever reign! For we are greatly convinced that a nation without God is a nation without peace!
Submission to God
Laboring in Vain
I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with hail in all the labours of your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.
-Haggai 2:17
Do I labor in vain, oh Lord? Tell me, that I may know your will. Whatever my hand finds to do it always failed. If things keep going like this, then I must learn the right way. The way of your will Lord!
Oh how pathetic a man whose work became his god! For he wakes up at dawn while his neighbors were in deep slumber. He labors all the day long for money yet he finds no rest in his soul. Cast your burden upon the Lord, oh you exhausted one, and he will give you rest!
Oh how futile the ways of a man whose work became his master! For you have labor for the gratification of your ungodly desires. You have corrupted yourself by treachery, bribery and unjust gain. Repent from all your iniquities and forsake not the reproof of God!
Are your works always come to nothing, oh you greedy?! You must have labor in wrong way. You have ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward (Jude 11), for your deeds were evil. You exchanged your integrity for the riches begotten treacherously. Therefore, God turned the fruits of your labor like ashes on the hearth.
Are your labor ends up to ruin, oh you hardworking man?! You must have lack something in your works. Delight yourself unto the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4). Pray to God, plead to his will, ask his blessings to all your plans and he will direct your paths to prosperity. For with men it is impossible but to God nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26).
How can we find the sweet success if our works were abominable in your sight oh Father? How can we rest in a greener pasture if you have led us in the wilderness? Oh God, we definitely got what we deserved for going against your will. Forgive us, if we have gone to the rudiments of this world and forced our way out of the narrow path. Our hands became rusty and weary, the once esteemed skills just faded for naught. Oh we have shed our sweat and tears wastefully! Oh Father, surely, we can do nothing without you. Therefore, teach our hearts to be obedient while we plead our humble supplications to you Lord, crying, "not our will but thy will be done (Matthew 6:10)!"
-Haggai 2:17
Do I labor in vain, oh Lord? Tell me, that I may know your will. Whatever my hand finds to do it always failed. If things keep going like this, then I must learn the right way. The way of your will Lord!
Oh how pathetic a man whose work became his god! For he wakes up at dawn while his neighbors were in deep slumber. He labors all the day long for money yet he finds no rest in his soul. Cast your burden upon the Lord, oh you exhausted one, and he will give you rest!
Oh how futile the ways of a man whose work became his master! For you have labor for the gratification of your ungodly desires. You have corrupted yourself by treachery, bribery and unjust gain. Repent from all your iniquities and forsake not the reproof of God!
Are your works always come to nothing, oh you greedy?! You must have labor in wrong way. You have ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward (Jude 11), for your deeds were evil. You exchanged your integrity for the riches begotten treacherously. Therefore, God turned the fruits of your labor like ashes on the hearth.
Are your labor ends up to ruin, oh you hardworking man?! You must have lack something in your works. Delight yourself unto the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4). Pray to God, plead to his will, ask his blessings to all your plans and he will direct your paths to prosperity. For with men it is impossible but to God nothing is impossible (Matthew 19:26).
How can we find the sweet success if our works were abominable in your sight oh Father? How can we rest in a greener pasture if you have led us in the wilderness? Oh God, we definitely got what we deserved for going against your will. Forgive us, if we have gone to the rudiments of this world and forced our way out of the narrow path. Our hands became rusty and weary, the once esteemed skills just faded for naught. Oh we have shed our sweat and tears wastefully! Oh Father, surely, we can do nothing without you. Therefore, teach our hearts to be obedient while we plead our humble supplications to you Lord, crying, "not our will but thy will be done (Matthew 6:10)!"
Laboring in Vain
Last Days Call
Labor|Prosperity|Submission to God|

Submission to God
Under One Blood
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
-Acts 17:26
How great is your love oh Father, that you have adopted a sinner like me as your child! From the beginning you have shown the things that foreshadows your will for mankind. Although, we are not worthy but you accepted us as your very own. Is there any gift that can surpass your grace? Surely, there is none.
Oh Lord! You are worthy of your praise! Your power far exceeded what our mind can perceived. For who can tell the things to come? You alone, oh God! Your ways are infallible, how can we know it? For there is no one who can divide the nations of the world and set their boundaries among them. There is none but you Lord!
Awake, oh you sleepy Christians! Awake and take heed to the voice of the Almighty! Don't you know that the coming of our Savior is nigh? Awake, oh you wearied saints! Awake and give honor to the Most High! Don't you know that he made you dwell in the land of milk and honey?
When you said, you shall be destroyed for your iniquities and it was. When you said, I will gather you again in my name, behold, it came to pass. Then, you said I will make one blood all the nations of men and it was so. Both Jews and Gentiles who believed in your Son Jesus Christ became one. Therefore, we will magnify your name forever for the salvation you have freely given!
When you said, let the waters be gathered together and it was. When you said let their be land, behold it came forth out of void. Then, you said let not the waters go beyond its bounds and it was so. How magnificent is your power, oh God, and there is none before you! Thus, we will magnify your power and glory with godly fear and trembling!
Is there anyone who can tell accurately the future? Or, is there anyone who can ordained the habitation of men before time? Surely there is none but you alone Lord! But with all your glory and excellence, why would the omnipotent God would like us to be his own? Why the Most High God would still look with love to those who continually profaned his Words? Indeed, sinners like us were not even worth saving.
Oh death where is your sting? Oh grave where is your victory (1 Corinthians 15:51)? Surely, there is no greater day like the day when you redeemed us through your only begotten Son, oh Father! A gift that the world cannot give nor a man cannot achieve to save himself. A sweet redemption that made all the nations of men under one blood. The same unblemished blood that was shed by the Lamb of God (Revelation 5:8-13), wherein we are forever be called the "children of God (John 1:12)."
-Acts 17:26
How great is your love oh Father, that you have adopted a sinner like me as your child! From the beginning you have shown the things that foreshadows your will for mankind. Although, we are not worthy but you accepted us as your very own. Is there any gift that can surpass your grace? Surely, there is none.
Oh Lord! You are worthy of your praise! Your power far exceeded what our mind can perceived. For who can tell the things to come? You alone, oh God! Your ways are infallible, how can we know it? For there is no one who can divide the nations of the world and set their boundaries among them. There is none but you Lord!
Awake, oh you sleepy Christians! Awake and take heed to the voice of the Almighty! Don't you know that the coming of our Savior is nigh? Awake, oh you wearied saints! Awake and give honor to the Most High! Don't you know that he made you dwell in the land of milk and honey?
When you said, you shall be destroyed for your iniquities and it was. When you said, I will gather you again in my name, behold, it came to pass. Then, you said I will make one blood all the nations of men and it was so. Both Jews and Gentiles who believed in your Son Jesus Christ became one. Therefore, we will magnify your name forever for the salvation you have freely given!
When you said, let the waters be gathered together and it was. When you said let their be land, behold it came forth out of void. Then, you said let not the waters go beyond its bounds and it was so. How magnificent is your power, oh God, and there is none before you! Thus, we will magnify your power and glory with godly fear and trembling!
Is there anyone who can tell accurately the future? Or, is there anyone who can ordained the habitation of men before time? Surely there is none but you alone Lord! But with all your glory and excellence, why would the omnipotent God would like us to be his own? Why the Most High God would still look with love to those who continually profaned his Words? Indeed, sinners like us were not even worth saving.
Oh death where is your sting? Oh grave where is your victory (1 Corinthians 15:51)? Surely, there is no greater day like the day when you redeemed us through your only begotten Son, oh Father! A gift that the world cannot give nor a man cannot achieve to save himself. A sweet redemption that made all the nations of men under one blood. The same unblemished blood that was shed by the Lamb of God (Revelation 5:8-13), wherein we are forever be called the "children of God (John 1:12)."
Does God Exist?
An a man exist out of random circumstances? How can something emerge out of nothing? Surely, an intelligent Creator designed the things of this vast universe!
A wise man will say, "Alas! The world is beautiful! A wondrous creation of God." While a fool will say, "Alas! The world is beautiful! It's a lucky chance that it turned everything this way." Oh you fool, did you ever think that a one big luck made the earth a habitable place?
A wise man will say, " A can of soda is a fine innovation of an intelligent craftsman. It was designed for ease and satisfaction of its user." However, a fool will say, " A can of soda is a fine evolution of natural selection. It came from a tin which for billions of years evolved into a cylindrical can. Eventually, for another billions of years, it developed a red pigmentation with white stripes on it and a label "Coca-cola" suddenly appeared. Oh you fool, have you ever wondered why the eyes were placed on the head and not on the sole of your feet?
A wise man believed that God does exist, for he experienced his love, compassion and even his rebukes and chastisement on his daily life. On the other hand, a fool believed that God is just a shadow of man's futile fantasy, a figure created by his own playful imagination. Oh you fool, because you never seen him so you don't believed on your Divine Creator? Have you ever thought why you call the invisible gust of air, "wind", even though you never seen it? How long will you believed only on what you can see and not what you feel and experience? Truly you are blinded by your arrogance.
The wise will praise the Most High for he molded him on his own image. God, who created all things (Acts 17:24) has given man the authority to rule over them. While a fool will boast of his luck. He believed that he evolved in similitude of apes but with higher intellect than other beasts. Tracing back his origins from gazillion random chances, which made him a sophisticated and far superior ape than his brothers (the chimpanzees, orangutans, sloths and the likes). Oh you arrogant, how long will your worth be compared to mere beasts?
You are blessed, oh wise, who fully trust in the Lord! For you have found the truth through faith. Thus, the truth did set you free. Having seen the things cloaked with mysteries in his infallible Word. Surely, you are blessed, oh man of God by walking in faith and not by sight.
You are cursed, oh fool, who trust on his own understanding! Even if you gather the knowledge of diverse men of intellect, you still unable to reach a conclusive truth about primordial life. Surely, you are cursed, oh you arrogant, ever learning but never came to the knowledge of truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
From everlasting to everlasting you are there, oh Lord! For you are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last (Revelation 22:13). In your wisdom the world was formed and prepared the heavens, the earth and the waters for all your creatures. You are omniscient, oh God, who created man in your own image. Although, the last of your creations, yet he was highly favored. What should we believed then? Can a pot of clay be greater than the Potter? Without a trace of doubt, we confessed to the whole world, saying: "Truly the Lord is our Maker!"
A wise man will say, "Alas! The world is beautiful! A wondrous creation of God." While a fool will say, "Alas! The world is beautiful! It's a lucky chance that it turned everything this way." Oh you fool, did you ever think that a one big luck made the earth a habitable place?
A wise man will say, " A can of soda is a fine innovation of an intelligent craftsman. It was designed for ease and satisfaction of its user." However, a fool will say, " A can of soda is a fine evolution of natural selection. It came from a tin which for billions of years evolved into a cylindrical can. Eventually, for another billions of years, it developed a red pigmentation with white stripes on it and a label "Coca-cola" suddenly appeared. Oh you fool, have you ever wondered why the eyes were placed on the head and not on the sole of your feet?
A wise man believed that God does exist, for he experienced his love, compassion and even his rebukes and chastisement on his daily life. On the other hand, a fool believed that God is just a shadow of man's futile fantasy, a figure created by his own playful imagination. Oh you fool, because you never seen him so you don't believed on your Divine Creator? Have you ever thought why you call the invisible gust of air, "wind", even though you never seen it? How long will you believed only on what you can see and not what you feel and experience? Truly you are blinded by your arrogance.
The wise will praise the Most High for he molded him on his own image. God, who created all things (Acts 17:24) has given man the authority to rule over them. While a fool will boast of his luck. He believed that he evolved in similitude of apes but with higher intellect than other beasts. Tracing back his origins from gazillion random chances, which made him a sophisticated and far superior ape than his brothers (the chimpanzees, orangutans, sloths and the likes). Oh you arrogant, how long will your worth be compared to mere beasts?
You are blessed, oh wise, who fully trust in the Lord! For you have found the truth through faith. Thus, the truth did set you free. Having seen the things cloaked with mysteries in his infallible Word. Surely, you are blessed, oh man of God by walking in faith and not by sight.
You are cursed, oh fool, who trust on his own understanding! Even if you gather the knowledge of diverse men of intellect, you still unable to reach a conclusive truth about primordial life. Surely, you are cursed, oh you arrogant, ever learning but never came to the knowledge of truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
From everlasting to everlasting you are there, oh Lord! For you are the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last (Revelation 22:13). In your wisdom the world was formed and prepared the heavens, the earth and the waters for all your creatures. You are omniscient, oh God, who created man in your own image. Although, the last of your creations, yet he was highly favored. What should we believed then? Can a pot of clay be greater than the Potter? Without a trace of doubt, we confessed to the whole world, saying: "Truly the Lord is our Maker!"
Clefts of Haughtiness
The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
-Obadiah 3
Who am I fooling? Am I someone better than anyone else? Surely, you oh Lord, knows how deceitful my heart is.
Is there a man who exalted himself and never fall? Even Lucifer, has fallen! That disgraceful son of the morning who thrived to exalt himself and be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-15). Now if an angel of light was thrown down--- how much more, you feeble man?
How foolish is your thought, oh son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)! For you thought that the world was made for you alone! How can you say that you're infallible if you have been defiled since the day you knew sin?
How futile is your thought, oh man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)! have you forgotten that everyone has his own weaknesses and vulnerabilities? How can you say that you're invincible if your power and riches can't save your wretched soul?
Repent, oh boaster! For your folly have overshadowed your arrogant heart. A man living in darkness hates the light because his works were evil (John 3:19-20). So is a heart shrouded with darkness. How can he make a sound judgment?
Repent, oh braggart! For your pride have blinded your heart. If a blind follows a blind, will they not both fall to a ditch (Matthew 15:14)? So is a haughty man who followed his own desires. What good thing can he accomplish?
A haughty man always seek what glorifies him. He seeks riches, for he thought that money makes the world go round. He seeks power, for he wanted all on his feet shall bow down. He also seeks fame, for he wanted his name to be embedded on the pages of history. Yet, even when a man fully achieved all these vanities, he still found himself lacking. When will you be satisfied, oh man?!
How long will you let yourself be deceived, oh you arrogant? When will you open your heart to the Almighty? Remember that your life will forever be doomed and restless unless you cast your burden to the Lord. For there is none who can fill that void space inside of you, but God alone.
Teach my heart not to seek the rudiments of the world, oh father, that we may not go astray. Whenever I'm about to brag, hold my tongue and rebuke me. Whenever pride covers my heart, don't hold that rod of chastisement away from me. For it is better to feel the whip of your love than to fall in the pit of thorns along the way of wickedness. Suffer me not to trust what my hands can do for they are bound to fail. Instead, teach us to be humble in all our ways and always trusting on your abounding grace. That we may present ourselves holy and acceptable to our Lord and King.
-Obadiah 3
Who am I fooling? Am I someone better than anyone else? Surely, you oh Lord, knows how deceitful my heart is.
Is there a man who exalted himself and never fall? Even Lucifer, has fallen! That disgraceful son of the morning who thrived to exalt himself and be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:12-15). Now if an angel of light was thrown down--- how much more, you feeble man?
How foolish is your thought, oh son of perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)! For you thought that the world was made for you alone! How can you say that you're infallible if you have been defiled since the day you knew sin?
How futile is your thought, oh man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)! have you forgotten that everyone has his own weaknesses and vulnerabilities? How can you say that you're invincible if your power and riches can't save your wretched soul?
Repent, oh boaster! For your folly have overshadowed your arrogant heart. A man living in darkness hates the light because his works were evil (John 3:19-20). So is a heart shrouded with darkness. How can he make a sound judgment?
Repent, oh braggart! For your pride have blinded your heart. If a blind follows a blind, will they not both fall to a ditch (Matthew 15:14)? So is a haughty man who followed his own desires. What good thing can he accomplish?
A haughty man always seek what glorifies him. He seeks riches, for he thought that money makes the world go round. He seeks power, for he wanted all on his feet shall bow down. He also seeks fame, for he wanted his name to be embedded on the pages of history. Yet, even when a man fully achieved all these vanities, he still found himself lacking. When will you be satisfied, oh man?!
How long will you let yourself be deceived, oh you arrogant? When will you open your heart to the Almighty? Remember that your life will forever be doomed and restless unless you cast your burden to the Lord. For there is none who can fill that void space inside of you, but God alone.
Teach my heart not to seek the rudiments of the world, oh father, that we may not go astray. Whenever I'm about to brag, hold my tongue and rebuke me. Whenever pride covers my heart, don't hold that rod of chastisement away from me. For it is better to feel the whip of your love than to fall in the pit of thorns along the way of wickedness. Suffer me not to trust what my hands can do for they are bound to fail. Instead, teach us to be humble in all our ways and always trusting on your abounding grace. That we may present ourselves holy and acceptable to our Lord and King.
Clefts of Haughtiness
Last Days Call

Curse of Drunkenness
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
-Proverbs 20:1
How long, oh God, shall lawlessness continue? Where drunkenness is, there follows iniquity. For the people were enslaved by their liquor, oh Lord! The once peaceful streets became the field of violence. Their is confusion, hatred, self-pity, fornication, adultery, lewdness, self-indulgence, gluttony and greed in the midst of nightlong revelry. In darkness, everyone has turned to his own master (for they became servants of immorality).
Shame on people of insatiable appetite! Don't you know that a man driven by an evil spirit is unstable and irrational over his own judgment? Not knowing the right from wrong, he often ended up causing pain and shame. So is you, oh man, who is given to drunkenness!
Shame on people with unquenchable thirst! Don't you know that a man possessed by an evil spirit is troublesome on people around him? Unable to discern the fruit of his actions, he caused the people around him with grievous fear. So is is you, oh drunkard, in all your ways.
Haven't you noticed the overlooked truth, oh man of revelry? A drunkard and a demon-possessed were both slaves of what have entered on their bodies. Therefore, a drunkard is nothing but the same as a man enslaved by the spirit of Beelzebub!
How can a wise man becomes a fool? Give him a strong drink to quench his thirst. How can a noble becomes a barbarian? Let him be drowned on his own wine. Indulging himself to drunkenness, unwittingly, he'll exposed his hidden savagery. For what a man sows in his folly shall he reap in shame.
When will you make your stand, oh Christians?! Why do you keep coming back in a pool of waste? Thus, a dog did turned on his own vomit (2 Peter 2:22). How long can you bear the madness of wine? Know this, oh man, that a little wine is good for your body (1 Timothy 5:23), but beyond sobriety comes evil. Enough wine is enough. However, if you can't resist the luring taste of wine then it is better to have none at all. For what good does having little wine if you can't help but to crave for more? Oh, how sweet the victory of those who have the will power to say "no" over their own desires!
Let not your people be shackled in the chains of drunkenness,oh loving Father! Break the vices that became a barrier to the path of righteousness. Draw us nearer to you Lord, that we may see the light of hope. In your glorious name, oh precious Jesus, and by the power of your blood which was shed on the cross, we break this despicable curse of drunkenness in our life! So that we may escape the scourge in the wine press of your wrath. For we are patiently looking forward on the day when we replenish our soul in the water of life in your Paradise.
-Proverbs 20:1
How long, oh God, shall lawlessness continue? Where drunkenness is, there follows iniquity. For the people were enslaved by their liquor, oh Lord! The once peaceful streets became the field of violence. Their is confusion, hatred, self-pity, fornication, adultery, lewdness, self-indulgence, gluttony and greed in the midst of nightlong revelry. In darkness, everyone has turned to his own master (for they became servants of immorality).
Shame on people of insatiable appetite! Don't you know that a man driven by an evil spirit is unstable and irrational over his own judgment? Not knowing the right from wrong, he often ended up causing pain and shame. So is you, oh man, who is given to drunkenness!
Shame on people with unquenchable thirst! Don't you know that a man possessed by an evil spirit is troublesome on people around him? Unable to discern the fruit of his actions, he caused the people around him with grievous fear. So is is you, oh drunkard, in all your ways.
Haven't you noticed the overlooked truth, oh man of revelry? A drunkard and a demon-possessed were both slaves of what have entered on their bodies. Therefore, a drunkard is nothing but the same as a man enslaved by the spirit of Beelzebub!
How can a wise man becomes a fool? Give him a strong drink to quench his thirst. How can a noble becomes a barbarian? Let him be drowned on his own wine. Indulging himself to drunkenness, unwittingly, he'll exposed his hidden savagery. For what a man sows in his folly shall he reap in shame.
When will you make your stand, oh Christians?! Why do you keep coming back in a pool of waste? Thus, a dog did turned on his own vomit (2 Peter 2:22). How long can you bear the madness of wine? Know this, oh man, that a little wine is good for your body (1 Timothy 5:23), but beyond sobriety comes evil. Enough wine is enough. However, if you can't resist the luring taste of wine then it is better to have none at all. For what good does having little wine if you can't help but to crave for more? Oh, how sweet the victory of those who have the will power to say "no" over their own desires!
Let not your people be shackled in the chains of drunkenness,oh loving Father! Break the vices that became a barrier to the path of righteousness. Draw us nearer to you Lord, that we may see the light of hope. In your glorious name, oh precious Jesus, and by the power of your blood which was shed on the cross, we break this despicable curse of drunkenness in our life! So that we may escape the scourge in the wine press of your wrath. For we are patiently looking forward on the day when we replenish our soul in the water of life in your Paradise.
Worldly Music
It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.
-Ecclesiastes 7:5
The world was covered with noise, oh Lord! The deafening sound of revelry and contempt. How can a man be holy if holiness for him is an act of folly? For the people love to play the music of fools than to hear the rebuke of your Words.
Our fathers sing with gladness to the Lord, praising his name in all his glory. But you, oh proud one, became narcissistic in all your ways! You have gone to the way of the world. Giving heed to the tune of diverse worldly lust and vanities.
The Psalmists performed songs of worship to the Lord, exalting his name with his wondrous works. But you, oh wicked one, a backslider in the works of righteousness! You have corrupted yourself with the chants of the heathen. Loving the requiem of the world than the music of life.
Woe to the tongue which utters vile words of iniquity, lust, pride, hypocrisy and worldly empathy! Woe to the Christians who professed themselves as lovers of God, but their voice echoes godlessness! They're like a stone carved in similitude of a living man but having no life nor soul.
When will you turn away from vainglory, oh you minstrels!? You have wasted your voice for nothing. You're digging a pit for your own downfall. Unwittingly, you built a stumbling block to those who sang your songs. Blinded, you have them caught in the snare of the world. Therefore, God hold you accountable for every wandering soul you sent to damnation.
Why not spend your voice giving praise to the Most High, oh Christians!? Sing unto the Lord and give him praise that you will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Sing a song of worship and exalt his name. Let your instruments and voice be heard! Oh sing! Sing a melody of his love for mankind!
When every time my heart began to sing make it a song of praise for you, oh Lord! We have enough of the world and its noise. We beseech you Lord, Don't make us fall asleep again. Keep us awake against its luring voice. Instead, let your Words dwell in us richly in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16) that we may be rejuvenated. Gather us, that in perfect harmony we will proclaim your name with joy in our hearts, singing: "Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty (Revelation 4:8)!"
-Ecclesiastes 7:5
The world was covered with noise, oh Lord! The deafening sound of revelry and contempt. How can a man be holy if holiness for him is an act of folly? For the people love to play the music of fools than to hear the rebuke of your Words.
Our fathers sing with gladness to the Lord, praising his name in all his glory. But you, oh proud one, became narcissistic in all your ways! You have gone to the way of the world. Giving heed to the tune of diverse worldly lust and vanities.
The Psalmists performed songs of worship to the Lord, exalting his name with his wondrous works. But you, oh wicked one, a backslider in the works of righteousness! You have corrupted yourself with the chants of the heathen. Loving the requiem of the world than the music of life.
Woe to the tongue which utters vile words of iniquity, lust, pride, hypocrisy and worldly empathy! Woe to the Christians who professed themselves as lovers of God, but their voice echoes godlessness! They're like a stone carved in similitude of a living man but having no life nor soul.
When will you turn away from vainglory, oh you minstrels!? You have wasted your voice for nothing. You're digging a pit for your own downfall. Unwittingly, you built a stumbling block to those who sang your songs. Blinded, you have them caught in the snare of the world. Therefore, God hold you accountable for every wandering soul you sent to damnation.
Why not spend your voice giving praise to the Most High, oh Christians!? Sing unto the Lord and give him praise that you will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Sing a song of worship and exalt his name. Let your instruments and voice be heard! Oh sing! Sing a melody of his love for mankind!
When every time my heart began to sing make it a song of praise for you, oh Lord! We have enough of the world and its noise. We beseech you Lord, Don't make us fall asleep again. Keep us awake against its luring voice. Instead, let your Words dwell in us richly in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16) that we may be rejuvenated. Gather us, that in perfect harmony we will proclaim your name with joy in our hearts, singing: "Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty (Revelation 4:8)!"
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The Greedy Shepherds and the Famished Flock
As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock;
-Ezekiel 34:8
How long, oh Lord will our soul hungers for your comfort? Behold, there is famine in the land and your shepherds have gone astray. Suddenly, the sheepfold became a pile of rotten logs and the pasture once green is now barren. The silent water that flows dried out and your flock were thirsty under the scorched heat of the sun. How long, oh Lord, will this end?
Woe unto you, oh ministers of God! For you have forgotten your first love! Aren't you're called to fed the flock of the Almighty? Where were you then in the days of trouble? Yea, you did shout in the midst of synagogue but preaching worldly gain. Woe unto you, oh shepherds of the saints! For you have ran greedily in the error of Balaam (Jude 11)! Aren't you the keeper of the sheepfold of God? Where were you then in the days of calamity? Yea, you did preach to the whole congregation but teaching the doctrine of Mammon (money).
Shame on you who are called the ministers of the Most High! For you have led the faithless sheep to their own destruction. Exchanging their money (as indulgence) for the deliverance of their soul out of eternal damnation. Shame on you who are called on that higher calling from the Lord! For you think that the will of God leads to riches and gratification of your own greed. Exchanging the gospel of Christ to the earthbound heretical doctrine of prosperity.
Tell me now, oh man, who is your God (for no man can serve two masters)? Was it the Lord or money? For where your treasure is, there your heart also (Matthew 6:21). Thus, you can't serve both God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). However, the Lord knows his sheep, they have heard him and do follow him (John 10:27).
Though we are bound to live in your kingdom, oh Father, yet we are loosed on earth. That even the shepherds, yea, the very elect, have been mesmerized by the riches and comfort the world can offer. We beseech you, oh Jesus our Loving Shepherd! Don't let your sheep be scattered and wander in the wilderness. Gather us together in your sheepfold having one Spirit, one heart, one mind and one calling. That together we will stand firm in faith and your name shall be proclaimed in the four winds of the earth.
-Ezekiel 34:8
How long, oh Lord will our soul hungers for your comfort? Behold, there is famine in the land and your shepherds have gone astray. Suddenly, the sheepfold became a pile of rotten logs and the pasture once green is now barren. The silent water that flows dried out and your flock were thirsty under the scorched heat of the sun. How long, oh Lord, will this end?
Woe unto you, oh ministers of God! For you have forgotten your first love! Aren't you're called to fed the flock of the Almighty? Where were you then in the days of trouble? Yea, you did shout in the midst of synagogue but preaching worldly gain. Woe unto you, oh shepherds of the saints! For you have ran greedily in the error of Balaam (Jude 11)! Aren't you the keeper of the sheepfold of God? Where were you then in the days of calamity? Yea, you did preach to the whole congregation but teaching the doctrine of Mammon (money).
Shame on you who are called the ministers of the Most High! For you have led the faithless sheep to their own destruction. Exchanging their money (as indulgence) for the deliverance of their soul out of eternal damnation. Shame on you who are called on that higher calling from the Lord! For you think that the will of God leads to riches and gratification of your own greed. Exchanging the gospel of Christ to the earthbound heretical doctrine of prosperity.
Tell me now, oh man, who is your God (for no man can serve two masters)? Was it the Lord or money? For where your treasure is, there your heart also (Matthew 6:21). Thus, you can't serve both God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). However, the Lord knows his sheep, they have heard him and do follow him (John 10:27).
Though we are bound to live in your kingdom, oh Father, yet we are loosed on earth. That even the shepherds, yea, the very elect, have been mesmerized by the riches and comfort the world can offer. We beseech you, oh Jesus our Loving Shepherd! Don't let your sheep be scattered and wander in the wilderness. Gather us together in your sheepfold having one Spirit, one heart, one mind and one calling. That together we will stand firm in faith and your name shall be proclaimed in the four winds of the earth.
Knowing the Scriptures
And Jesus answering said unto them, Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God?
-Mark 12:24
Whenever I think highly of myself, your Words brought me down, oh Lord! Who am I then to go against the truth? If the truth is against me, then let God be found true and a man like me a liar (Romans 3:4).
In innocence, oh man, there is sobriety and calmness in your simple mind. In your awakening, you glut, you have developed an insatiable craving for knowledge. Restless and anxious, you eventually found yourself lacking and confused. Until you finally realized that a wise man is nothing but a fool if he himself was confounded of his own understanding. Ever learning, yet never came to the knowledge of truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
Woe unto you, oh man, dwelling in a world full of deceptions and mysteries. When you set your vision afar, there are stones need to be unturned. Whenever your thoughts soar high, there are realms that a mind cannot fathomed. For indeed a man was made higher than all of God's creation, yet his intellect failed him in many ways. Can you then solely trust on your own understanding? God surely forbids.
Have you numbered the stars, oh you haughty man, as though you are infallible? Have you searched the universe, oh you proud one, as though you are omniscient? Therefore, God condemns the high-minded thoughts of men. You definitely do err for not knowing the light of his Words and might of his power.
To walk in the truth is living in the context of your Words, oh God! For you alone upholds the truth. Sanctify us with the truth, for your Word, oh Father, is truth (John 17:17). Let the Bible therefore be our guide and the Holy Spirit be our Mentor. Deliver us, we beseech you! Deliver us away from the wiles of this world and the sly crafts of the devil. So your children may walk justly through the narrow gate where our Savior, Jesus Christ awaits.
-Mark 12:24
Whenever I think highly of myself, your Words brought me down, oh Lord! Who am I then to go against the truth? If the truth is against me, then let God be found true and a man like me a liar (Romans 3:4).
In innocence, oh man, there is sobriety and calmness in your simple mind. In your awakening, you glut, you have developed an insatiable craving for knowledge. Restless and anxious, you eventually found yourself lacking and confused. Until you finally realized that a wise man is nothing but a fool if he himself was confounded of his own understanding. Ever learning, yet never came to the knowledge of truth (2 Timothy 3:7).
Woe unto you, oh man, dwelling in a world full of deceptions and mysteries. When you set your vision afar, there are stones need to be unturned. Whenever your thoughts soar high, there are realms that a mind cannot fathomed. For indeed a man was made higher than all of God's creation, yet his intellect failed him in many ways. Can you then solely trust on your own understanding? God surely forbids.
Have you numbered the stars, oh you haughty man, as though you are infallible? Have you searched the universe, oh you proud one, as though you are omniscient? Therefore, God condemns the high-minded thoughts of men. You definitely do err for not knowing the light of his Words and might of his power.
To walk in the truth is living in the context of your Words, oh God! For you alone upholds the truth. Sanctify us with the truth, for your Word, oh Father, is truth (John 17:17). Let the Bible therefore be our guide and the Holy Spirit be our Mentor. Deliver us, we beseech you! Deliver us away from the wiles of this world and the sly crafts of the devil. So your children may walk justly through the narrow gate where our Savior, Jesus Christ awaits.
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